Message Number394838
Subject LineWanted Logging contractors To log Trees On 1557 Acre Timmins Ontario In Hoyle Wark Gowan & Murphy Townships. 55,000 Cubic Meters Timber. Trees 65-125 Year Old
Business area
Far Northern Ontario
Business categoryTimber or Mineral Property
Date of ListingDecember 28 2020
Type DescriptionStandingTimber
LocationCochrane Timmins
Price CommentFlexible
Building area6300000
CommentsWanted Logging contractors To log Trees on 1557 Acre Land. Located In four Townships Hoyle, Murphy, Wark And Gowan. District Cochrane, Timmins Ontario. Price Negotiable
Internet Links
Member Identifier1567
Client DetailsActive Investor
Client SituationNeed Cash
Clients Objective-- NONE --
Client WillAdd Cash
Explain Client's Motivationquite motivated
NameHabib Quadri
Company NameWorld Class Realty Point,. BROKERAGE
Address Line One600-240 Duncan Mill Rd
Zip/Postal CodeM3B 3X6
Business Phone Number(416)444-7653
Cell Number647-200-4459
Home Number647-977-8109
FAX Number416-987-5955
Email AddressSend Email
Home PageHome Page

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