Message Number429366
Subject LineCommercial buildings for storage or processing 2021, 52,644 sq' buildings with 13.52 acre land in East Central Alberta.
Business area
Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)
Business categoryBusiness Opportunities
Sites Commercial and Industrial
Farm or Ranch Land
Date of ListingOctober 5 2024
LocationEast Central Alberta
Price Commentpriced to sell
Building area52644
Bldg Area Max0
Building Area CommentSolid buildings
CommentsIdeal investment for processing or storage, previously used for hemp processing facilities, 25,500 sq heated, insulated, concrete floor working area, overhead doors, 5184 sq.' environmental climate controlled, 7560 sq.' with shop space a(heated, concrete foor, insulted, overhead door) (2160 sq.' storage) 14,400 sq.' working /processing area.
Internet Links

Member Identifier253
Client DetailsFinancier
Client SituationEntity Disolution
Clients ObjectiveConsolidate
Convert to Paper
Motivation RatingPart Paper/Cash
Client WillExchange Portion
Client WantsCash and Paper
Agricultural Property
Business Opportunity
Explain Client's Motivationwants to sell
NameBen Van Dyk
TitleRealtor/Market consultant
Company NameReal Estate Centre
Address Line OneBox 179
Zip/Postal CodeT1M 1M3
Business Phone Number(403)345-5100
Cell Number(403)-393-4040
Home Number(403)-393-4040
FAX Number(403)345-5521
Email AddressSend Email
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