Message Number405199
Subject Line25 Acre Lot, Approved For Subdivision of 180 Lots, Detached, Semi-Detached & Towns- SPA in Hand Asking 10M Firm
Business area
Eastern Ontario
Business categoryApartment buildings/multi unit/condo townhouse projects/investments
Residential estates, single family homes, condos, cottages, vacation homes
Date of ListingMarch 13 2022
Comments25 Acre Lot, Approved For Subdivision of 180 Lots, Detached, Semi-Detached & Towns- SPA in Hand Asking 10M Firm
Internet Links
Member Identifier11541
ControlRegular Client
NameUpender Avasthi
TitleSales Rep /Team Leader
Company NameNewgen Realty Experts Brokerage Inc
Address Line One2000 Argentia Rd Plaza 1 Unit 418
Zip/Postal CodeL6N1P7
Business Phone Number(647)302-8589
Cell Number647 302 8589
Home Number647 302 8589
Email AddressSend Email
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