Message Number43390
subjectNewmarket area 10 minutes Marina $2.8M 6.75ac. home cottage hall, spectacular place, sunsets, sunrises.
Business area
Greater Toronto area
Business categoryCommercial Buildings/Hotels/Motels
Industrial Buildings For Sale
Business Opportunities
Sites Commercial and Industrial
Recreational Sites/Senior Lifestyle Sites/Golf Courses/Resorts/Trailer Parks
Farm or Ranch Land
Residential estates, single family homes, condos, cottages, vacation homes
Have/Want DateNovember 1 2021
Property TypeMarina
Location10 minutes to Newmarket
Comments[taken over the phone by ICIWorld and placed here for members to work on directly.]

Will pay full commission. If you can find a place better for less money, will consider reducing price.

1. Waterfront; over 1,000′ on the Holland River and lagoon.

2. Zoned Commercial (Marina) with residence/clubhouse.

3 5.7 Acres of serenity; very quiet, beautiful & peaceful.

4. On a dead-end street, NO neighbours in sight; just family friends & clients by choice.

5. 1 hr. North of the CN Tower (GTA/Toronto, ON)

6. Minutes away from Newmarket & Bradford, churches, schools, hospital, shopping, GO,?

7. Can re-establish over 60 slips, water-sites, if desired.

8. Replace Cottage / Clubhouse into a beautiful home on /by the water.

9. 10 minutes by boat to Lake Simcoe & access to the Trent System.

10. Taxes around $10,163 in 2020.
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First NameVictor
Last NameCarvalho
Are you a broker/sales person?NO
Phone Number(647)834-2046
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