Message Number397072
Subject Line(SOLD)MANITOBA Fishing resort situated on an isolated lake in North Western Manitoba. No other resorts or private cabins on this lake. New to market.$600K.
Business area
Western Canada (MB SK AB BC NT YT)
Business categoryBusiness Opportunities
Recreational Sites/Senior Lifestyle Sites/Golf Courses/Resorts/Trailer Parks
Date of ListingMarch 25 2021
Type DescriptionFishing Resort
LocationNorth Western MANITOBA
CommentsThis resort is situated on an isolated lake in North Western MANITOBA fed by numerous pollution free creeks and streams. There are no other private cabins or lodges on the lake. The lake is dotted with more than 125 islands and is surrounded by boreal forest with an abundance of White and Black Spruce, Jackpine, Tamarak, Willow, and Birch. Sweeping natural sand beaches. This resort offers something for everyone, a spectacular vacation, year round operation, in the rugged, pristine wilderness of northwestern Manitoba.

MANITOBA'S progressive fish management combined with strong conservation and selective harvest programs make it a world leader in sport fishing. Visiting anglers can count on a ready supply of trophy fish. Surrounded by sweeping clear-blue skies and pristine wilderness, anglers test their skills, savour a shore lunch and return home with a catch.

Other resorts available (DRIVE-IN & FLY-IN) from a modest facility with opportunity for growth to a wilderness paradise complete with Five Star accomodations, it's own runway and aircraft. Prices range from $200K to $10M.
Internet LinksAll about MANITOBA

Member Identifier37
NameRichard Mitchell
TitleBroker Associate
Company NameRE/MAX Performance Realty
Address Line One18 Tod Dr.
Zip/Postal CodeR2M 1Y6
Business Phone Number(204)256-5796
FAX Number(204)254-2656
Email AddressSend Email
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