Message Number414660
Subject LineHAVE - Detached 3 Storey 4 Unit Historical Building on main thoroughfare One of a kind! 4.41% Cap Rate
Business area
Greater Toronto area
Location, CityMoss Park
Business categoryApartment buildings/multi unit/condo townhouse projects/investments
Date of ListingApril 18 2023
Type DescriptionCommercial/Residential Mixed Uses allowed
LocationMoss Park
Building area4300
Building Area CommentAverage unit 1075 sq ft
ZoningCom/Res mixed use
Gross Income196800
Net Income163667
Cap Rate4.41
CommentsOne of a kind property perfect for someone looking to work and live in the same place. 3 car parking spaces... large 700 sq ft roof top terrace with 2 bed 2 bath unit. two 1 bed, 1 bath unit and 2nd floor is a 1600 sq ft 2 bed, 2 bath unit. Great architecture and lots of money invested in making the building unique. hard loft style space that is getting $5000 to $6400 per month in rent per floor.

Off Market listing will be going to market in a month
Internet Links
Member Identifier9242
Client DetailsActive Investor
Client SituationNew Opportunity
Clients ObjectiveOpportunity
Motivation RatingAll Cash at Retail
Client Will-- NONE --
Client WantsMulti-Family
Explain Client's MotivationLooking to reinvest equity into their business
Broker's RecommendationSell Sell Sell
Time Factors, Drop Dead DatesSooner the better
NameAddy Saeed
TitleReal Estate Broker
Company NameRe/Max Gold Realty Inc., Brokerage
Address Line One175 Traders Blvd East
Zip/Postal CodeL4Z3S8
Business Phone Number(877)439-2339
Cell Number647-689-5841
Home Number1-877-439-2339
FAX Number1-888-937-9944
Email AddressSend Email
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