Message Number402654
Subject LineHAVE: 2 Hours from TORONTO, MOTEL, 39 rooms Plus House Plus, Asking $4.95 M
Business area
Greater Toronto area
Location, City2 hours from TORONTO
Business categoryCommercial Buildings/Hotels/Motels
Business Opportunities
Apartment buildings/multi unit/condo townhouse projects/investments
Date of ListingNovember 18 2021
Type DescriptionMOTEL
Location2 Hours from Toronto
Comments** Location and pictures are not an accurate representation of the property. Buyer must do full due diligence. **

HAVE: 2 Hours from TORONTO, MOTEL, 39 rooms Plus House Plus, Asking $4.95 M ** PRINCIPALS ONLY **

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4) How much you have to invest
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NameSUNNY Kashyap, MBA, ABR
TitleBroker/ Owner (Mentor/Coach) Chief Development Officer
Company NameeXp Realty, Brokerage (GLOBAL POWER GROUP)
Address Line One4711 Yonge Street, 10th Floor
Zip/Postal CodeM2N6K8
Business Phone Number(416)477-5959
Cell Number416-827-4444
Home Number
FAX Number 647-849-3180
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