Message Number427359
Subject LineWanted Lake County Florida, 10+ acres with min 3000 sq ft home, $500K - $1M, preapproved ready to act quickly
Business area
SouthEast (AL GA FL NC SC VA)
Florida (FL)
Business categoryRecreational Sites/Senior Lifestyle Sites/Golf Courses/Resorts/Trailer Parks
Farm or Ranch Land
Residential estates, single family homes, condos, cottages, vacation homes
Date of ListingJuly 15 2024
Type Descriptionsingle family
LocationLake County Florida
Price Max$1,000,000.00
CommentsWanted Lake County Florida, 10+ acres with min 3000 sq ft home, $500K - $1M, preapproved ready to act quickly
Internet Links
Member Identifier11945
NameTom Langmann
Company NameREMAX 200 Realty
Address Line One1155 Louisiana Ave.
CityWinter Park
Zip/Postal Code32789
CountryUnited States
Business Phone Number(321)229-2041
Cell Number321-229-2041
Email AddressSend Email
Home PageHome Page

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